Monday, April 6, 2009

Some facts the "Greens" dont want you to know

-- CO2 is not a “pollutant.” It is a trace gas necessary for all life of Earth because it is essential to the growth of all vegetation.

-- Without CO2 all vegetation—grasses, forests, jungles, crops such as wheat, corn and rice—dies. Then herbivores die. Then you die.

-- The CO2 produced by human industry or activity is a miniscule fraction of a percentage of greenhouse gases. It constitutes a mere 0.038% of the atmosphere.

-- The oceans emit 96.5% of all greenhouse gases, holding and releasing CO2 as it has down through the millennia of Earth’s existence.

-- In past millennia, CO2 levels were often much higher than the present.

-- CO2 levels rise hundreds of years
after temperature rise on planet Earth.

-- The Sun is the primary source of warmth on Earth. Rising CO2 is an
effect of global warming, not a cause.

-- Both global warming and cooling are natural phenomenon over which humans have no control.

-- The Earth is not currently warming. It has been cooling for a decade and likely to continue for at least another twenty years or longer. If a new Ice Age is triggered, it will last at least 10,000 years.

-- Polar ice is now at record levels and still growing.

But we are about to let the government enact a "cap and trade" policy which will increase the cost of energy up to an order of magnitude to reduce a trace element that does not cause "global warming" - which isn't really happening anyway...

These days I feel like I fell through the looking glass and the Cheshire cat is reading the news to me...

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