Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What time is armageddon ?

One of my republican friends was recently lamenting the coming of the socialist agenda from our inbound president elect (he wishes to remain anonymous as he is embarrassed to be a republican at the moment). I had to ask him where he had been for the past 60 years or so?... Apparently he (and I'm afraid more people than I would like to believe) are oblivious to the fact that we have gradually eroded the principles of our constitution and replaced them with socialist ones (under the disguised code word of liberalism of course).

Norman Thomas, a candidate for President of the U.S. Socialist Party in every election from 1928 to 1948 once said that, “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation.”

I fear he has been proven correct.

The US constitution has been under constant attack since WWII, and it's protections from governmental corruptions, protection of free speech, the right to bear arms, and the freedom of the individual have become nearly moot. Power specifically designated to the local levels to protect us from the corruption that thrives in an all powerful government have gradually been aggregated to the central politburo.

  • The schools are now in complete control of Washington thanks to no child left behind and the teacher's unions.
  • The fed is borrowing over a billion dollars a day just to keep the lights on and service the national debt.
  • There are over 20 states who have spent their way into a level of bankruptcy that will keep them paying off the accrued debt beyond the next generation.
  • The Federal register of regulations is over 76,000 pages long.
  • The IRS tax code is so large they were unable to produce a page count total this year.
  • We are seating a comedian in the senate.
  • We may seat a woman in the senate without a resume, any government experience, or even a desire to vote (but she is from a well known family).
And the coups de gras... We are about to swear in a president who;
  • could not obtain a security clearance based on his associations
  • has a questionable birth certificate that has been locked away by the governor of HI to ensure the courts can not examine it, (a challenge, which if proven correct, could prove he is not even eligible to be the US president)
  • had family members in the country illegally, living in government sponsored housing while he served in the senate
  • has written a book seriously criticizing the United States, capitalism, and our society
But what is more disturbing is what will fill the power vacuum when America dives headlong into the abyss? The lists above are indicative and representative of bad fiscal and moral behavior on our leaders part, but are in no way to be perceived as comprehensive. The stated intentions of the incoming administration will weaken us militarily, financially, and morally and bring about the destruction of our economy if allowed to become law. That weakness will have a global impact beyond our shores that will most likely resemble the "woes" foretold in the revelation.

Alas, Empires do not last forever...

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