Monday, August 25, 2008

Follow up to my last post on the sleeping giant

I took this quote from Niel's page, There is nothing I could add to it that could enhance it, so I'll let it stand on it's own.

And No, he wasn't writing about the United States. This quote is well over one hundred years old.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

Alexander Tyler writing about the fall of the Athenian Republic.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The sleeping giant

The 2008 US presidential election has brought out a bright light and shone it on our political system, culture, and most frightening our media. The media bias in favor of B. Hussein Obama is so blatant even the media pundits are concerned, fearing a backlash from the American people in general (if they ever awake and notice it, that is). I'd cite examples, but there are so many it's unnecessary, anyone who has a sliver of intelligence and independent thought realizes the sad truth of it. This should strike fear in the hearts of all Americans, regardless of of your belief in B.O. being the "anointed one". Not for what it may mean in terms of the election, but for what it means to our society and freedom of speech.

While the media leaders and figure heads are practically gushing with glee as they report on every "positive" aspect of Obama, they are purposefully negative toward everything John McCain says or does, and they are systematically burying all negative information about Barack. Without their help, Hillary would most likely be the nominee, not Barack. What is most frightening about this is that it is beginning to appear planned. How could all of the mainstream media outlets (ABC, CBS, NBS, NYTimes, etc.) seemingly agree on all of the various issues so suddenly? There has been no time in my life that I can recall such "oneness" among the mainstream media.

So who is orchestrating the mainstream media's message? The reporters obviously are not "reporting it as they see it". They seem to be acting in concert to a predefined "script" with a predetermined outcome planned in advance. The removal of embedded reporters from Iraq as soon as the surge was working was not an act by a few reporters, it was uniform across all of the reporting agencies. When the GNP rose to 1.8% in the 2nd quarter (the highest growth seen in a long time), Katie Curic opened the evening news with "the financial picture is grave with the GNP showing less than 2% growth". What could the motivation be behind twisting positive financial news to sound negative when it could have encouraged the American people?

When gas hit $4.00 a gallon, all of the media (and congress) blamed the oil companies because they had "record profits", but no one reported that the largest benefactor was the federal and state governments whose tax collections exceeded the oil companies profits by almost four times! In some states it is even higher. Don't let the politicians fool you, they want gas to go as high as possible. Barack even proposes additional taxes on gas... B.O., that would help lower gas prices how??? But I can't give credit to him for the media control, so who is behind the of America? Who has the motivation to keep the people in the dark, what is their agenda?

Stalin said the genius of Hitler and the 3rd Reich was realizing that controlling the media would control the population. Even though the majority of the German population would never have supported the extreme tactics the Nazis used against the Jews (and anyone else they didn't approve of), they supported the regime because they were deceived by the media. The propaganda machines in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and communist China held (and Russia and China still hold, and perhaps soon the US) complete control over what the people could be told, and consequently would believe. But this deception requires a supportive culture, in order to be led, you must "buy in" to the direction. Without our continuing slide toward liberalism, which is founded on cultural relativism, we could not be led like the proverbial sheep that I fear our nation has become.
The values and morals that were the foundation of our country are fading into the abyss, and those of us who still hold that truth, good and evil are absolutes are become few and far between.

Cultural relativism is the view that all beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to the individual within his own social context. Cultural relativism is closely related to ethical relativism, which views truth as variable and not absolute. What constitutes right and wrong is determined solely by the individual or by society. Since truth is not objective, there can be no objective standard which applies to all cultures.

The current movement to “understand” radical Islam—rather than to fight it—is a sign that relativism is making gains. The cultural relativist believes Westerners should not impose their ideas on the Islamic world, including the idea that the suicide bombing of civilians is evil. Islamic belief in the necessity of jihad is just as valid as any belief in Western civilization, the relativists assert, and America is as much to blame for the attacks of 9/11 as are the terrorists.

If we allow this slide to cultural relativism to continue while the majority of our population remains asleep in their ignorance, and whoever is actually pulling the strings of the media puppets is allowed to continue unabated, we will have given our way of life away without a fight. Our country became the greatest civilization on earth (so far) believing in the freedom of the individual, a healthy fear of government, free speech, the right to bear arms, and the liberty to choose the path your life would take, succeeding or failing, but responsible for yourself.